Group Studies
In this study we’ll consider the biblical foundations of tithes, offerings, and giving. The Old Testament presents several teachings on giving in the context of the Covenant of Moses.In the New Testament tithing is only ever
considered in this way (relating to the old covenant). But the New Testament has plenty to say about giving cheerfully. When we’ve decided what we want to give in our hearts and cheerfully give it to the Lord’s purposes we’re on our way to fulfilling the New Testament teaching about giving. What giving is really connected to is the concept of stewardship – we’re just the caretakers of God’s things and we’re accountable to Him for what we do with all He has given us. In this study we’ll consider what it means to be a responsible steward of God.
In this month’s study we’ll look at some of the key beliefs that make up “Evangelicalism.” You may have some ideas about what this label represents and in this month we’ll see what theological concepts are held by evangelicals. Throughout the study we’ll look at 11 major doctrines and how they’re found in scripture. The Salvation Army claims to be “an evangelical part of the universal Christian church.” Through this study you will become familiar with the theology that goes along with that label.
Intercession sounds so simple. I’ve got your back, you’ve got mine. I pray for you, you pray for me. Sometimes it really is that simple… sometimes it just isn’t. Reading through our Bible, we see intercession expressed in many ways – humble prayers to world-changing events. As believers, we are compelled to act as intercessors for all and in all situations.
In this study, we will explore the topic of miraculous healing. We will look at examples from scripture, take a closer look at the purpose for the miracles Jesus performed during his life on earth, learn more about the power and impact of miraculous healing, and discuss what it means for us in the church
today. The majority of this study will focus on the miracles of Jesus.
Speaking in tongues can be one of those heavy and confusing topics that can be divisive in its interpretation and understanding. There are various ways that this gift has been viewed and understood. Our opinions may vary on this topic however, the beauty is that the validity of our faith doesn’t hinge on it. Christ is the foundation of our faith and a topic like this makes for great conversation and discussion. This study will allow you to draw your own conclusions on the gift of “speaking in tongues”.
Throughout history, many religions from around the world
have claimed to have prophets or to have seen a prophesy fulfilled. In this study, we will look at prophesy in terms of the Bible and explore the differences between prophesy in the Old Testament and the New Testament. We will also learn more about what prophesy means
for us in the church today.
Blasphemy isn’t just speaking against God or struggling with our faith. Blasphemy is speaking against God by attributing evil to Him or denying good that belongs to him, and/or giving the attributes of God to a creature.
Both of these things would be considered blasphemous acts; Both of these things are forgivable.
The “unforgivable sin” however, is the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. In all three of the synoptic Gospels Jesus notes the sin that cannot be forgiven. In this study, we will look at what lead Jesus to speak on this topic, and ways that we engage in the forgivable form of blasphemy on a regular basis.
This month we’ll look at heresies that believers have struggled with
in the past, evaluate current distortions, we’ll seek out the source of heretical thought and learn how to proactively combat what may be
ebbing its place into our life and thought.
The need to explain our faith is becoming more and more necessary. We can no longer be comfortable with our faith being just another passed-on family traditions. We need to be fully aware of WHY we believe and be able to defend it with sound arguments and not simply emotion. Why do I need apologetics? If you were to find a motivation to learn apologetics I would argue that it is a form of respecting other people’s beliefs. Respecting their beliefs to the point of willing to explain your own in a way they could understand without any prior knowledge.
In this study we’ll consider the concept of catechism and what it might mean for today. Catechism is (generally speaking) the process by which people (particularly young children) learn the essential beliefs and doctrines of their faith. While catechism is not a common term in evangelical churches, we still find processes and methods for relating The Faith to the next generation. The subject of catechism can be a reminder to our churches that Christian Education benefits from clear goals and outcomes and from an organized approach to
such a sacred task.
We don’t often speak about suffering and difficulties in detail in our Christian tradition. It is not a nice topic. There are no easy answers.
Even the answers we have do not fully satisfy. But there are answers, and more than answers, God has actually experienced many of the sufferings and pains we’ve come to know in our lives. It seems Jesus even asked similar questions in the Garden of Gethsemane, saying “Lord if there’s any other way…” In this study we’ll look at the questions of suffering and grief and consider what scripture says about our darkest times.
Have you ever questioned someone else’s interpretation of a Bible passage? Do you have the desire to probe deeper into the meaning of Scripture? Want to get to know the Biblical writers and understand why they wrote what they wrote? If so, it’s time to learn exegesis. This study will simply introduce the art of exegesis in such a way that, hopefully, spurs you on to dig deeper into Scripture and its background. Prepare to be challenged.