Group Studies

Colossians Part 12

We’ve reached the final month of our year long series of expository study on the book of Colossians! In this final part of our series, we will look at Paul’s words for the church on how following Jesus involves other people. We will explore some of the specific relationships Paul points out that give us insight on how people in the church should treat one another.  

This study is titled, ‘Grace in the House of God’ and our key verses are Colossians 3:18-4:6.

Colossians Part 11

Now that we’ve finished chapter 2, it’s time to jump into chapter 3! In our study for this month, we will look at Paul’s words to the Colossians about seeking Christ, putting to death the right things, and living a new life. We will also look closer the example for Christian living that Jesus has set for us.

This study is titled, ‘Christ is All in All’ and our key verses are Colossians 3:1-17.

Colossians Part 10

This month, we will wrap up Colossians chapter 2. In these verses, Paul discusses the importance of not allowing religious practices, false teachings, etc. to stand in the way of living out their faith. He emphasizes again just how important it is to watch out for false teachings and those who spread false teachings about the gospel. We’ll also look at why living according to God’s way is so important, as opposed to living in a “worldly” way.

This study is titled, ‘Come Out of the Shadows’ and our key verses are Colossians 2:16-23.

Colossians Part 9

This month, we will continue on with part two of our ‘Power & Authority Over All’ study. In this month’s verses, we’ll look at how Paul emphasizes to his audience that the Gospel of Jesus is for all people, whether they are Jewish or non-Jewish. Regardless of a person’s status, nationality, etc. the wages of their sins are the same…death! Paul also puts the triumph of Christ’s resurrection into perspective for the early church.

This study is titled, ‘Power & Authority Over All II’ and our key verses are Colossians 2:13-15.

Colossians Part 8

This month, we will continue on with Paul’s letter to the church in Colossae. Paul has more to say about false teachings and then shifts the focus of his letter to the power and authority of Jesus. We will explore how acts such as circumcision and baptism are signs of a covenant yet not a requirement for salvation. Finally, we will learn more about the implications of Jesus being fully God.  

This study is titled, ‘Power & Authority Over All I’ and our key verses are Colossians 2:9-12.

Colossians Part 7

We made it! We have finally completed our study of Colossians chapter 1 and are ready to jump into chapter 2! In these verses, Paul gives some closing thoughts on the end of chapter 1 and then offers a warning to the church about listening and believing false teachings. His emphasis is on walking in the ways of Jesus and how being a Christian or church community plays a role in that.

This study is titled, ‘Walking in the Way of Jesus’ and our key verses are Colossians 2:1-8.

Colossians Part 6

This month, we continue our study of Colossians by looking at the last few verses of chapter 1. In these verses, we learn more about Paul’s purpose to, “make the word of God fully known”. We will explore some key concepts on stewardship and any mystery about the gospel that readers may still have lingering.

This study is titled, ‘The Mystery has been Solved!’ and our key verses are Colossians 1:24-29.

Colossians Part 5

Last month, we looked at a few verses in this chapter where Paul explains and clarifies several theological truths about Jesus. In this month’s study, we will take a closer look at Paul’s continuation of this in Colossians 1:18b-23. It’s important to Paul that the believers and the church understand the importance of the true gospel so they are not misled by false teachings that may have been around during his time. When we know what is truth, it makes it much easier to discern when things are false!

This study is titled, ‘A Firm Foundation II’ and our key verses are Colossians 1:18b-23.

Colossians Part 4

In this month’s study, we will explore Colossians 1:15-18a. In this section, Paul explains and clarifies several theological truths about Jesus. During his time, Paul needed to correct false teachings with the right information about who Jesus was and the significance of his life, death, and resurrection for humanity and the church. We will break down each verse to look at how Paul describes to the church who Christ was and His role for believers.

This study is titled, ‘A Firm Foundation I’ and our key verses are Colossians 1:15-18a.

Colossians Part 3

In this month’s study, we will unpack Colossians 1:12b-14. Last month, we looked at the first part of this chapter which focused heavily on how the people of the church should live in community together. In this month’s study, we will look at how Paul shifts the focus in his letter towards the amazing work that God has done for us. We will take a closer look at three major verbs from these verses: qualified, delivered, and transferred.

This study is titled, ‘A Different Kind of Love II’ and our key verses are Colossians 1:12b-14.

Colossians Part 2

In this month’s study, we will focus in on Colossians 1:9-12a. In these verses, Paul
encourages the church to live in a community where they are filled with the knowledge of God and to live their lives in a way that is pleasing to God. Paul isn’t saying this to make them feel shameful or guilty but rather to encourage them out of his love for the people in the church. We’ll explore these verses in more detail and discuss some practical ideas on what this might look like for Christian living
in the church today. This study is titled, ‘A Different Kind of Love I’
and our key verses are Colossians 1:9-12a.

Colossians Part 1

In this month’s study, we will start part one of a 12-part series on the book of Colossians. In this study, we will take an expository style approach to studying the book verse by verse. This will help us go deeper into the context
and find out more about what these verses mean for the church and our lives today. This month, we’ll look at the first two sections of
Colossians chapter 1. The first section is Paul’s brief introduction in verses 1-2. The next section is Paul’s word of thanksgiving for the believers in Colossae in verses 3-8. In this section Paul writes a word of thanksgiving for the believers in Colossae and he comments on how the hope they have in the Gospel has led
them to love others. This study is titled, ‘Growing Love’ and our key verses are
Colossians 1:1-8.