1. When it was absolutely hilarious when your counselor wore this at campfire.
2. When your mouth watered when you watched the cook scrape the layer of lard and unwrap the bacon.
3. When you longed to sing grace to the tune of Adam’s Family
4. When the favorite camp wide game was to find your counselor
5. When counselors use to not sit with us at campfire.
6. When there was no limit to the amount of kids that could be crammed in a 15 passenger van.
7. When this was a form of discipline
8. When this activity was totally rad. And who didn’t try to reach for the cute person across the circle so you could brag to your friends that you held his/ her hand?
9. When this was how far you got with your lanyard
10. And your sister came home having just completed this
11. When the nurse checked your head while your friends stood by hoping you would be the one.
12. When this is what your program director looked like.
13. When you had to shake your nerves to complete the toughest test in your life.
14. When you feared this would actually be true.
15. When this CD was the soundtrack to all your campfires and chapels