Mending the I(dent)ity (A personal testimony)

Mending the I(dent)ity (A personal testimony)

One of SAYCONNECT’s young contributing writers shares a personal testimony… INTRODUCTION: “I had the privilege of having Vernon in my Creative Writing elective at WYI last year, and have been so encouraged by his enthusiasm to communicate his...


Are you tired? Are there too many things on your plate? Do you feel like you are getting swallowed up by a steady stream of due dates? You are not alone. We have all been there or are nearly there right now. So how do we shake this feeling? Quit things! Quit wasting...
6 TIPS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA (from the bible…shh)

6 TIPS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA (from the bible…shh)

Whether if it’s a status update, comment, picture post, or simply sharing a link, here are a few tips (from the bible) to help guide your social media experience. Let us know your favorite or if we missed one!   1. Matthew 18:15 (ESV) “If your brother sins...