Emblems of the Month


Happy New Year to you all!

We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and are ready to start this New Year on a great note! And what better way to do so, then with your local troops!

January often brings a renewed mindset that normally drives us to ask ourselves, “What can I achieve in this New Year?” In thinking on this phrase, we come up with resolutions that push to do things like read the bible more, be more giving, lose weight, etc. Coincidentally, but not really, January 2nd is National Personal Trainer Day. So for all of you Leaders who have losing weight on your list, guess who can join you in making this exhausting but rewarding move?! That’s right…your youth! Talk about accountability! So let’s start this New Year working on some physical emblems!

Clink on these links below to download a pdf of each emblem.

Girl Guards

Since each troop can earn two emblems a month, take advantage of National Blood Donor Month and spend some time learning about First Aid while acknowledging why donating blood is helpful and at times vital for others.


Check us out and follow us on Pinterest for more ideas on Emblems of the Month!