Can you believe it’s already March?! It seems like not too long ago 2016 was barely ending. Now March is ahead of us and with that comes the Spring season! The good news is, the warmth is coming and the snow is leaving and it is finally time to play! The bad news though…is spring cleaning. Time to get rid of all of the winter decorations and put away the heavy coats and boots. Time to do a thorough cleaning of our homes and take out what is not needed. However, how does that apply to our personal lives and how can we be intentional about doing a thorough cleanse of the different areas we deal with like school, work, corps life, etc.?
Let’s be intentional in March about throwing out what is not needed and opening the blinds to the Spring season and the blessings that it will bring!
By now, many of you have heard and hopefully checked out the awesome new resources for troops! If you have not, check them out below:
Troops High Award Spreadsheet (Leader)
The attached chart serves as a fill-able chart for the Troop leader. It is currently mapped out to fit all of the resources but can be adjusted according to what works best for your corps!
Sunbeams Devotional Book
Although Sunbeams learn a ton of character building lessons through troops, let us take it a step further and encourage them to begin a regular devotional life with this new resource! With this, we can bridge the gap between outreach & discipleship!
Updated Emblem Compatibility Chart
The attached document helps you map out troop programs that have multiple troops in one class. Here you will find the emblems grouped up by content.
Girl Guards High Award Chart
The attached charts serve as a journey for Sunbeams & Girl Guards to work on completing emblems to achieve High Awards. As the they complete the emblem, they can add the date and be enthusiastic to complete and achieve more!
Due to the new resources, you will start to notice that the emblems are not in sync with the season, but more leaning towards the goal in completing the emblems necessary to obtain that specific award. Keep in mind that this is only a resource– you can always change the badge you’d like to do at your discretion.
Clink on the links below to download a pdf of each emblem.
First Half of the Month:
Girl Guards
Second Half of the Month:
Girl Guards
Check us out and follow us on Pinterest for more ideas on Emblems of the Month!