Division Say Summit
Written By: Lt. Micheal Stack (DYCS)
Do you know that you are Redeemable? That God’s redeeming grace is for you and for me. There might be things in your life that make you feel far away from God, chains, but through God we have the power to break these chains! God loves you where you are at, but he doesn’t want to leave you there. We do not have to feel bound up by our chains forever, because Christ died to give us freedom from sin, freedom from our chains. However, once these chains are broken then we have the responsibility to live redeemable lives.
Ephesians 1:7 says “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace”
We write to you today with great joy in our hearts as we reflect on the good work that God has done during this year’s SAY Summit in the Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Division. We have great joy because we know that each person that attended this year’s SAY Summit encountered God’s redeeming grace!
The teens and young people that attended the weekend not only discovered and re-discovered God’s redeeming nature, they also were given the space to share their testimony, on Saturday evening, in an environment of love and respect. Each delegate that shared was authentic and vulnerable, displaying the same characteristics they require and longing for from their leaders. They were confessing thoughts of suicide, being sexually abused, confessing their addiction to drugs and pornography, all things that they might not have ever had the chance to share if they did not attend the weekend.
Christyann Clement reflected about her weekend experience:
“I remember a few years ago, bawling in my seat at a Youth Councils. My sister Klaza, came up behind me, whispered in my ear, “WHY are you crying? You need to look up. Look at the ones at the altar. Focus on that.”
She’d known my heart had been breaking for the hearts stubbornly choosing to stay seated. I’d been mourning all weekend for their souls, and at that moment it all flooded out of my heart.
This is what this weekend was to me. The FEW teens that went up, that opened up, I’ve waited YEARS for some of them. I’ve seen growth, but I’ve waited YEARS for them to surrender that fear of being vulnerable. Letting themselves just heal from all the hurt they hid daily from the world. PRAISE GOD.
And the ones who were still seated. I saw you. I saw your hearts. You’re loved, you’re prayed for, you’re thought of. Praying while waiting for you. I pray I’m able to see the day you give it all up. Choose redemption. Choose to be changed by Christ.”
The topics that were covered this weekend were indeed tough. They required vulnerability and a rawness that not all were willing to or ready to express. For those who were not ready we saw them, we will pray for them, and we will continue to give them the space to share the deepest parts of themselves. The parts that they might feel are separating them from God. We pray that in these deepest parts is where they will discover and experience God’s love in the most powerful ways!
Though the weekend is over the struggle is on-going for many. An important part of knowing you are Redeemable, is knowing “you are not alone”. The struggles that were shared are not unique, but we need to pray for them. If you need prayer please seek out someone you trust. If you want to pray for someone, please pray for these few yet vulnerable teens and young adults who requested prayer:
• “I need prayer for forgiveness, understanding, wisdom, and guidance. I need prayer for life and help in making good choices so that I may overcome temptations and beet the devil at his own game”
• Understanding, wisdom, and courage”
• “Forgive me for I have taken steps down the wrong path. I have sinned. I am addicted to drugs and alcohol.”
• “My heart and my soul cry out for God to hear my prayer. Please pray that God would heal my broken heart that’s been wounded by people around me. Spiritually I have been struggling with my walk with Christ. I don’t know who to turn to because I am afraid of being judged. Those that I thought were my close friends don’t notice or show that they care… like I don’t matter anymore because they have ‘new’ friends which hurts… now they are distant.”
• “I really need prayer for a softer more compassionate heart; to love + pursue Jesus more fervently; to become more aware of what I’m listening /watching. Making sure that I’m protecting my mind and heart. Keep my focus on Jesus and what His plans are for my life.”
• “Forgive me for my temptations”
• “Deliverance from anxiety. *Spirit of Peace”
• “I need prayers fro all the lust I do”
• “To stop being so angry or sad”
“In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace” -Ephesians 1:7