Unmasked defined as: Expose the true character of or hidden truth about. The goal for Youth Councils 2014 Hawaiian & Pacific Islands was to “Unmask” who we are in Christ. There were many highlights for this year’s Youth Councils. There was everything from C.H.A.L.K. Dodge Ball, Uncle’ Dave’s Famous Heart Attack Snacks to a Masquerade Ball. However, it was not these highlights that changed and altered lives and exposed the “hidden truth” about the young people of Hawaii. There were some wonderful workshops that covered Addiction, Leadership, Relationships, Social Media, Sex Trafficking and Open Panel Discussions that were received well by the young people. However, it was not the workshops that brought forth “true character” and rattled the lives of the young people of Hawaii
Each speaker, workshop leader, worship leader, activity organizer aided in allowing these highlights that changedand altered lives and exposed the “hidden truth” about the young people of Hawaii. There were some wonderful workshops that covered Addiction, Leadership, Relationships, Social Media, Sex Trafficking and Open Panel Discussions that were received well by the young people. However, it was not the workshops that brought forth “true character” and rattled the lives of the young people of Hawaii. Each speaker, workshop leader, worship leader, activity organizer aided in allowing the Holy Spirit to truly “Unmask” the Power of the Highest (Luke 1:37), which changed lives.
Sunday morning Commissioner Jim Knaggs shared three masks that needed to be removed and now was the time to remove those masks. One by one young people flooded the alter leaving their lives “exposed” and willing to have their “true character” come forth. As “hidden truths” were shared with God at the alter a true surprise was the overwhelming response to Officership. Twenty-five young people stepped forward willingly, to give their life to Christ in full time service through The Salvation Army.Twenty-five young people stepped forward so that they may expose their true character so that the world would know Christ.
Hawaii Youth Councils truly was “Unmasked” by the Holy Spirit and lives were changed forever – AMEN!