I had no idea that over the years the Jelly Belly factory has produced over 100 flavors of their little chewy sugary multicolored beans of goodness. And sometimes, I think they’re out to get me! I may at times reach in and expect to get one taste based upon a certain color, and BAM!, it turns out to be roasted garlic, vomit, earthworm, or some other nasty flavor that I’m sure makes Jesus tear up alongside me.


It’s crazy how many flavors there are! Even more crazy is that when we come to the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, there are even more flavors out there that all tell us they’re good and worth ingesting. So let me set the record straight on two things:

  1. He’s divine
  2. He plays a big part in our redemption and us living out this whole Christian thing authentically.

Theological Jelly Belly #1:

The Holy Spirit is a divine person.

Divine attributes (omnipresence, Ps. 139:7; omniscience, Is. 40:13-14, 1 Cor. 2:10; eternal, Jn. 14:6, Heb. 9:14), divine titles (Spirit of God, Gen. 1:2; Spirit of holiness, Rom. 1:4; Spirit of life, Rom. 8:2; power of the Most High, Lk. 1:35), and divine activities (intercession, Rom. 8:26; conviction, Jn. 16:7-8; direction, Ac. 8:29; teaches, Jn. 14:26; guides, Jn. 16:13), together confirm that the Holy Spirit is a divine person. We also see His relationship in the Trinity played out in the baptism of Jesus (Mt. 3:16-17), the Great Commission (Mt. 28:19), and Paul’s benediction (2 Cor. 13:14), to name a few. He’s more than a nice feeling we get when we sing praise and worship and wants to do more through us than merely direct us to different service projects and jobs. The real Holy Spirit of Scripture, being God, actually wants to mold us into a new creation. Which brings us to my next point.

Theological Jelly Belly #2:

The Holy Spirit plays a big part in our spiritual redemption.

Man’s redemption was God’s plan (1 Tim. 2:3-4) that Jesus Christ purchased with His blood (1 Tim. 2:5-6). The Holy Spirit is how it’s all administered to and through us for God’s ultimate glory. He’s the one who tells the unsaved sinner to wake up (Jn. 16:8) and then justifies and saves the sinner who puts his faith into Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 6:11). But the Holy Spirit’s work still isn’t done, as the believer’s progress through sanctification (holiness) is dependent upon their level to which they allow the Holy Spirit to do His work in them. Because of freewill, the ball’s in our court.

To what level are we truly willing to submit to the God of Heaven and Earth? From darkness, to salvation, to spiritual maturation, the Holy Spirit is a powerhouse when it comes to man’s redemption and living authentic Christianity. We see it in the bible, and best of all, we can experience Him daily.

Friends, there are a lot of crazy teachings out there. I challenge you to reverence and deepen your relationship with the Holy Spirit we read about throughout the bible. Like the Bereans (Ac. 17:11), test everything with Scripture, base your beliefs upon it, and allow the Holy Spirit to conform all you are around it. And if you hear a theological “truth” that’s claiming to be good but isn’t backed up by God’s Word, don’t waste your time, unless you want to get roasted garlic, vomit, earthworm, or some other nasty flavor.



By Lt. Matthew Jensen, 10/2012