Every year, the THQ Youth Department team carefully and prayerfully crafts together WYI to be sure the content and activities are intriguing and thought provoking to encourage personal growth in your spiritual life, social relationships, and individual abilities. While you are at the center of our focus in the planning of WYI, the THQ Youth Department team never walks away without being impacted as well.

No. No. Not that kind of impact – although that is quite a literal way that WYI has impacted Major Roy. However, that’s not quite what we mean. Keep going…

Major Roy Wild – 
“I look forward to WYI and seeing what God will do in the lives of those who attend. One of the greatest things about WYI is seeing how the Holy Spirit speaks to individuals in a variety of ways. It’s always a week of blessings, conviction, growth, and excitement. I can’t wait to get it started.”

Krystina Macias – 
“For an introvert like myself, anything involving many people was a no-go for me. However, after attending WYI for the first time years ago, I instantly felt the safety of camaraderie with other believers there. WYI gave me the extra push to accept being uncomfortable and to attempt to step outside my box and embrace what the Spirit has for me that week.”

Erick Rodriguez – 
“One of the highlights of WYI for me goes back to when we did our speed testimonies. It was great to see people sharing their stories with one another and later even praying for one another. I myself was even able to share my story with someone, and they, in turn, told me theirs. It was a very special moment for me.”

Jim Sparks – 
“WYI is a safe place that nurtures positive interactions where we can meet new people and build on existing relationships. I can remember a young, female delegate who was very unsure about attending her first WYI. In her daily life, she struggled socially. She preferred an aloof lifestyle and feared opening up to anyone. Lucky for her, she was placed in a cabin of incredible ladies that would love her and include her from the start. She later could be seen walking the grounds with a huge smile on her face. That is WYI.”

Major Paula Wild – 
“WYI is an event that I really enjoy for many reasons. For me, the meetings and focus are always on point.  I feel they have just the right amount of fellowship and teaching.  I always take something away from the meetings, a challenge to change something in my life to be a better person, to be a better Christian.  Secondly, it is a time to encourage and be encouraged.  Sometimes we get so caught up in day to day life that spending a few days at camp surrounded by God’s creation is just what we need.”

Heather St-Aime –
“As an extrovert, I naturally love being around people. I get energy from being in a group. While at WYI, sure there is a group of people, but it’s not JUST a group of people. It’s a community. In the WYI community, being different doesn’t matter and being new doesn’t matter. In the WYI community, we have each others backs. Someone you didn’t know just a few days prior will pray for you, listen to your story, seek revenge on your behalf in dodgeball, and let you borrow their face paint. In the WYI community, you may be sad to leave, but you will know a community of people have your back until you meet again.”

Megan Villalpando –
“I really enjoy the opportunities I’ve had to program different types of evening programs. I’ve been able to program a fun filled Olympic competition night to a reflective women’s worship night. Each opportunity comes with challenges but I have enjoyed finding creative ways to meet those challenges and creating meaningful experiences for WYI delegates and staff.”

Abraham Guevara – 
“WYI 2000. It was my first WYI ever. Being fairly new to the Salvation Army, flag waving and brass banding was pretty much the sum total of my Army experience. WYI exposed me to an incredibly rich and deep spiritual experience rooted in Christ and Salvation Army doctrine. Also, “The Matrix” was dissected as a film in one of the sessions, and being IN LOVE with the film, I ate it up. WYI made me a fan of The Salvation Army.”

David Witthoff 
“Having only experienced one WYI, I can say it carries with it the excitement and energy of the best conferences and camps I’ve been a part of. What I love about WYI is the sense of community and camaraderie. There’s a sense that we’re all in this together, learning how to understand God’s word, how to worship as a community, and how to be a friend and family to each other. Last WYI included music workshops, a class on how to study the Bible, an awesome worship band, fun games (really), and some great teaching and preaching.  If you’re on the fence about coming or if you’re just not sure it’s your thing – trust me, it’s an experience you don’t want to miss.”